Feline Lymphoma - Cats are Not Small Dogs
So what causes the development of lymphoma in cats? Infections with either the feline leukemia virus (FeLV) or the feline immunodeficiency v

I’d Like to Check You For Ticks
Before we jump into the tick species, we should talk briefly about the tick life cycle. Ticks start as eggs. After they hatch, they are know

Common Cancers: Lymphoma in Dogs
This cancer usually starts in the lymphatic system in the lymph nodes or glands, but can affect any area of the body including the spleen, l

Fleas - Nasty Little Buggers!
Fleas aren't just a nuisance. THEY CAN KILL! Fleas suck blood, and they can cause a severe anemia, especically in young puppies and kitt

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate: That is the Question
We are going to talk about the vaccines available for cancer patients. Yes, there are cancer vaccines available, but they are used in patien

Summertime Blues - No Dogs Allowed
Hookworms are common in puppies and kittens. They are voracious blood suckers, and they can cause such severe anemia in puppies and kittens

It's not a tumor! (but it really is)
If you haven’t read Dr. Holland’s blog post from last week (link to There’s a whole lot of shakin’ goin on!) go do it now! It is...

There's a whole lot of shakin' goin' on!
Seizures are caused by an abnormal electrical discharge in the brain. Physically, seizures can manifest with abnormal mentation, but the mos

Veterinary Suicide and Depression
Veterinarians in the United States are more likely to suffer from psychiatric disorders, experience bouts of depression, and have suicidal t

Raw Diets – Good or Just Gross?
First, let me tell you that there are two categories of raw meat-based diets (RMBDs). The categories are commercial and home-prepared. Of th