Pain in the ...
We used to use the terms “acute” and “chronic” pain, but this refers strictly to time. The more current terms used to describe pain are “ada

Disaster Preparedness
Katrina. Harvey. Irma. Names that invoke fear, panic, and anxiety. Even though we don’t get hurricanes in Oklahoma, we get more than our fai

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes

Immunization Awareness Month: Canine Vaccines
Puppies need vaccines every 3 weeks starting at 6-8 weeks of age until they are 16-20 weeks. This allows them to develop immunity to disease

Immunization Awareness Month: Feline Vaccines
Now that we have talked about the frequency of administration, you are probably wondering what this vaccine is actually preventing. Feline v

Rabies: Something to Foam at the Mouth About
As mentioned previously, a 10-day quarantine is sufficient to determine if a pet has rabies. In Oklahoma, we are required to quarantine anim

Mast Cell Tumors in Dogs - One of These is Not Like the Other, Don't Ask Me Why, Go Ask Your Mot
Luckily, we now have a couple of ways to predict how these tumors will behave. One way is to use a new grading system in which the tumors a

Hotter Than Blue Blazes
If you suspect that your dog is having heatstroke, they should be cooled immediately. Submerge them in cool water or ice water, and try to g

Leukemia in Pets: What You Need to Know
There are a couple of ways to describe a leukemia. One way to say is that the leukemia is either acute or chronic. Acute leukemias arise v

Tick-Borne Diseases
Lyme Disease: Clinical signs in dogs often don’t show up for weeks to months after infection. Some dogs will run a fever, and rarely, heart