Cat Coat Colors
From a genetic perspective, all cats are black, orange (the term used by professional cat people is red), or both. White can cover or co-exi

What is a polydactyl cat, you ask? Basically, they are cats with extra toes. The name comes from Greek words “poly” meaning “many” and “dakt

Diabetes Mellitus – The Final Chapter
Ultimately, the goal of dietary management is to control hyperglycemia, achieve or maintain an ideal body weight, and manage any concurrent

It's a Chelsea World
My mother-in-law taught me how to knit earlier this year, and I have fallen in love with the art. I’m currently working on 2 sweaters, a shr

Diabetes Mellitus: Part 1
Type I or insulin dependent DM is characterized by an absolute deficiency of insulin secretion. This is the type of diabetes seen in dogs. T

Trick or Treat!
So, Halloween obviously has lots of good memories for me, but this week, I want to talk about Halloween for our four-legged babies, because