Cat Coat Colors
From a genetic perspective, all cats are black, orange (the term used by professional cat people is red), or both. White can cover or co-exi

What is a polydactyl cat, you ask? Basically, they are cats with extra toes. The name comes from Greek words “poly” meaning “many” and “dakt

February is Veterinary Dental Health Month!
Did you know that 80% of dogs and cats, over the age of 5, have some form of dental disease? Imagine if you didn’t brush your teeth for wee

Diabetes Mellitus Part 2 - Insulin Therapy
Most insulins cause glucose concentrations to decrease until they reach their nadir (lowest point), and then as the insulin wears off, the g

Disaster Preparedness
Katrina. Harvey. Irma. Names that invoke fear, panic, and anxiety. Even though we don’t get hurricanes in Oklahoma, we get more than our fai

Rabies: Something to Foam at the Mouth About
As mentioned previously, a 10-day quarantine is sufficient to determine if a pet has rabies. In Oklahoma, we are required to quarantine anim

Hotter Than Blue Blazes
If you suspect that your dog is having heatstroke, they should be cooled immediately. Submerge them in cool water or ice water, and try to g

Leukemia in Pets: What You Need to Know
There are a couple of ways to describe a leukemia. One way to say is that the leukemia is either acute or chronic. Acute leukemias arise v

Feline Lymphoma - Cats are Not Small Dogs
So what causes the development of lymphoma in cats? Infections with either the feline leukemia virus (FeLV) or the feline immunodeficiency v

Summertime Blues - No Dogs Allowed
Hookworms are common in puppies and kittens. They are voracious blood suckers, and they can cause such severe anemia in puppies and kittens